Schooling in China is a highly structured and demanding system, where academic achievement is the focus. The assessment of students and their performance is a crucial part of this system as grades decide academic success and the doors future educational paths and career opportunities.
The True Issue: Standardized Tests vs Continual Assessments
In China, grades are basically decided by standardized tests and a bit of continuous assessment. Standardized testing starts at practically every level of schooling as early as elementary school. Top among these examinations is the Gaokao, the national college entrance test that millions of students take every year and that will ultimately decide nearly all Chinese teenagers’ fate. Since the Gaokao score can dictate what track of educational and professional future a student will be on, it also pretty much defines which universities the student is admitted to.
These usually include types of assessment that form part of a student’s overall grade for each module, such as on-going coursework comprising essays, assignments and project work, individual and group exercises, class tests and subjective or objective written examinations. And in primary and secondary schools, grading often goes on a 1 to 100 scale, with kids generally needing around a 60 to pass. This rubric can score easily and fast to know the student state quickly.
Elementary and High School Grades
In China, elementary and secondary schools follow a percentile system when grading students. In addition to determining a student’s performance based on their absolute score this system also measures it with respect to peers. This leads to an atmosphere of intense competition amongst the students, who are not only competing for good grades, but also with each other.
Newer sources have shown that average scores, such as in Mathematics and Science are at an even higher level around 70-85 out of 100, which explains the specialization nature in discipline focused in their national education curriculum and the exam system.
Higher Education and Beyond
At later stages of education, particularly at university level, assessments begin to diversify and are not solely reliant on examination results (eg project assessments, oral presentations, research papers). Even so, exams are still a big part of the grading system. In general, however, most universities use a Grade Point Average (GPA) system, where your grades are given as scores between 0 and 4.0 points, each accompanied by grade points that in turn contribute to forming your GPA_PERCENTAGES.
So, for example an ‘A’ grade could be 85 to 100 as well as a GPA of true zero, meanwhile a ‘C’ could wind up from 60 to seventy four — definatelycorrelate alongside actual GPA of 2.0. This national system is consistent with global norms to better reflect the quality of Chinese students ‘scores on a global basis.
So in goal, the grading system in grades in China relies on a mix of standardized testing and evaluation of academic progress over time. China follows a quite strict grading system in the educational evaluation of student grades, from primary to higher education levels; for it has long-lasting impacts on students’ next stages of staying educated and getting employed. In addition, the competitive grading is part of preparing students for the hardships of real professional life, exposing how important education and academic excellence are to society in China.